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Our Team

Meet our team

Both of whom are military veterans


Owner/Operations Manager

William was born and raised in Louisiana.  Early in his adulthood, he was a volunteer firefighter, an EMT, LA Air National Guard Medic, and at one point managed a private ambulance service.  William was one of the medics assigned to the Superdome when Hurricane Katrina hit.  He earned an associates degree from Delgado Community College.  In 2015, William move to Colorado where he and his two children are enjoying their life.  


Owner/Executive Manager

David was born a raise in Louisiana,  In early adulthood, David became a volunteer firefighter and EMT.  In 2000, David moved to Colorado and enlisted in the CO Air National Guard.  David spent 8 years on active orders for the war on Terror.  This included deployments for Operations Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom, Nobel Eagle, New Horizon, and Jumpstart.  David left active service in 2009 to persue a career as a civilian first responder.